Page name: Rain Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-05-04 19:10:11
Last author: 4everThyme
Owner: 4everThyme
# of watchers: 34
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Welcome to Rain Lovers. This is for those that like to Dance in the rain; Those that love to listen to the melody of each drop hitting the ground. All of you that find rain relaxing instead of a waste of a day are welcome in this wiki. My name is Kassie. My all time favorite thing to do when it is a warm, rainy day is to dance, dance around in the cool relaxing rain. For all who are with me feel free to join. Just ask in the comments or messege me.

-Rain Goddess-
[4everThyme] Yep. *dances around in rain with arms in air* Weee

-Rain Goddess Sister-
[Stormqueen] w00t This is the owner of
Rainy People Club

-Rain Dancing/Huggle Buddy-
[Mordeth] you r special now
[Gaara of the Desert] well being from Washington the rain puts me to sleep nightly

-Rain Gods- (not as powerful as me for i am ruler lol)
[Toshi Umezawa] thanx for inspiring me to make this wiki.
[nameless, again] yay you r a god now lol.

-Mastress'- (male version of Mistress) ^-^
[Zealot2.0] you are now a mastress... to me. but i still rule this wiki go me go me lol
[XReaverX] welcome to the life of a mastress

More members at Rain Dancers

Rain Poems


<img:> [4everThyme] I made this yay it looks so good.
Code= <*IMG:*> (without stars)

compliments of [Deus_Casus] =

Compliments of [Alex DeLarge] =

More banners on BWL banners

--Sister Wiki--
Rainy People Club
Owned by ~*~[Stormqueen]~*~

Username (or number or email):


[Vader]: I officially quit this wiki as the rain ruined my holiday and made me feel like crap, goodbye yall.

[omgOMEGA]: damn you, you rain hater! Only kidding, but still. And [4everThyme], I can sympathise. When I was younger I used to go outside and dance around in the rain... they thought I was wierd! *sniff* Okay maybe I am a bit wierd, but meh. Has anyone ever swam in the rain? It's SOOO great!

[phaerie]: my mum wouldn't let me swim in the sea when it rain because i may get wet o.O

[omgOMEGA]: That doesn't make sense... O_o


[Alex DeLarge]: Damn, there were some nice storms last week.

[Deus_Casus]: My neiborhood looks all haunted and such after those storms, all quite and eerie, with a slight layer of mist on the ground which was soft and moist. My backyard was perfect for a zombie horror movie, so much so that I almost believed that the dead were going to rise. Alex Delarge even knows there is an unmarked grave in my backyard, but its of a cat. My neighborhood can be pretty creepy.

[omgOMEGA]: RAIN! Wow that would be a good story.

[Deus_Casus]: what the whole zombie thing, sure, that would be a good story

[omgOMEGA]: yup.

[4everThyme]: *pokes you all* gahahaha now bow down to the rain!!!!!

[Deus_Casus]: O_O *POKE*

[omgOMEGA]: *prods you all*

[4everThyme]: hey wait... you ppl were supposed to bow!!!!!

[Deus_Casus]: ...*poke* :3


[Alex DeLarge]: Rainbow Randolf is the one, Yes oh yes he is.

[Deus_Casus]: XD

[omgOMEGA]: Hazzah! It rained today!!

[4everThyme]: ... *criez* fine then no one bow to the rain!!!!

[Modnoc!]: *bows to the rain*

[sita14]: *dances in the rain*

[Modnoc!]: *smiles*

[omgOMEGA]: and it's still raining! woo!

[sita14]: I want it to rain here...We need it. The grass is dying

[omgOMEGA]: darn it stopped raining! But the good news is I made this! <img:>^_^

[Deus_Casus]: Dumbledore got Snaped!!!!! lol XD XD

[4everThyme]: i havent seen the movie so shush!!!!!

[sita14]: uhuh...

[Deus_Casus]: not from the movie, from the newest book it is, on page 606 Harry says that Dumbledore had gotten Snape'd

[Deus_Casus]: for putting that up more than once i say SAGE

[omgOMEGA]: what?

[Deus_Casus]: Set A Good Example (usually when someone is saged its a bad thing)

[omgOMEGA]: Meh.

[sita14]: it stormed out last night and i played in it :)

[omgOMEGA]: YEY! It rained today!

[Modnoc!]: it rained here too :3

[omgOMEGA]: grrr now it's sunny

[Deus_Casus]: quick question: [Nostalgic Beauty] has claimed to be born in the year of the dragon, but happens to be 14 years old (birthyear is 1990). all chinese zodiac calender dealies i check say that 1990 is the horse, just wondering if that is right.

[Blaithin]: Yeah '90 is the year of the horse.

[omgOMEGA]: I was born in the year of the cockrell :D

[Deus_Casus]: well she took my advice and took down the picture

[sita14]: I'm a snake :)

[omgOMEGA]: cock-a-doodle-oooooooooooooo

[sita14]: lol :0

[omgOMEGA]: o

[phaerie]: i want to get married in the rain

[omgOMEGA]: Funky. I used to want to get married on the back of dolphins...

[phaerie]: oh thats cool but i bit hard to do ... but then you can't pick the weather for one day eaither

[omgOMEGA]: hm....

[phaerie]: but tis never going to happen so i never need to worry XD

[omgOMEGA]: oh dear... meh.

[phaerie]: i don't want since my parents got devoriced

[omgOMEGA]: oh.

[phaerie]: but its ok because i never liked my dad

[omgOMEGA]: oh alrighty then.

[phaerie]: but i love rain

[omgOMEGA]: yey me too!

[phaerie]: tis pretty and shinny and pretty

[omgOMEGA]: I like it because it reminds me of how depressed I am!!!

[phaerie]: why are you depressed?

[omgOMEGA]: too many reasons....

[phaerie]: just wait untill you happy being depressed

[omgOMEGA]: pa

[phaerie]: tis true you just wait i'm happily stuck in a depressed rut

[omgOMEGA]: fun.

[phaerie]: in a weird way it is

[omgOMEGA]: hmm

[phaerie]: sorry rain!!

[omgOMEGA]: what for???

[phaerie]: i don't know ... *blushes*

[omgOMEGA]: fairy nuff wow that's like the third time in the last hour.

[phaerie]: what has?

[omgOMEGA]: fairy nuff.

[sita14]: What is fairy nuff?

[My Own Creation]: I think [omgOMEGA] means "Fair enough" but they put "Fairy nuff" so if you read it the right way, it's "Fair enough"

[omgOMEGA]: ^that would be write. I write the way I speak!

[sita14]: Don't mind me...I'm slow...

[My Own Creation]: It's okay. I type how i talk too!

[omgOMEGA]: caloo

[Deus_Casus]: I don't like when people do that, kind of ticks me off because I have to think about what they said.

[My Own Creation]: Same here. I try to type with ACTUAL words instead of "o wuzzup? how u doin?"

[Deus_Casus]: As long as its not uber leet I don't mind as much.

[omgOMEGA]: me too, MOC.


[sita14]: I type with actual words too.

[Deus_Casus]: Woah, what? What is "MOC" anyways?

[My Own Creation]: MOC is My Own Creation (my screen name) shortened

[Deus_Casus]: Oooohhhhhh, ok, I didn't catch on to that.

[sita14]: Mhmmmm.....


I'm in a dudie mood and my sister is pissing me off!

[sita14]: I'm not in that great of a mood either.

[omgOMEGA]: I hate my sister...

[sita14]: I hate mine sometimes too.

[My Own Creation]: Ditto, but I always &hearts; her in the end. Haha. I share a room with her until my brother moves out, and he's 17 as it is.>.<

[Deus_Casus]: luckily i have only one annoying sister. But being the oldest son of the family means i got to do stuff.

[sita14]: I'm the oldest and I have a younger sister and brother

[omgOMEGA]: I'm the youngest... I hyf

[omgOMEGA]: I'm the youngest... I have brother, and two sisters.

[My Own Creation]: I'm the middle child with a younger sister && older brother

[omgOMEGA]: fun.

[sita14]: I kinda hate being oldest...

[omgOMEGA]: really? Oh dear...

[phaerie]: youngest isn't that fun though

[omgOMEGA]: no, it isn't...

[phaerie]: you can't do anything and get blamed for everything and older people can be mean

[omgOMEGA]: Really? For me it's opposite... my sister gets blamed for everything... and my parents love me most :D but you're right... they're all mean really...

[My Own Creation]: Haha. It's complicating

[omgOMEGA]: yaaaaah...

[sita14]: I get blamed for stuff my sister does...Yeah...

[omgOMEGA]: straaaange...

[sita14]: Not really...

[omgOMEGA]: hum...

[~Crimson Angel~]: I LOVE THE RAIN CAN I JOIN?!?!

[omgOMEGA]: Um... yeah sure... rain dancers

[~Crimson Angel~]: ok thanks.

[omgOMEGA]: :D

[4everThyme]: oh boy im sorry its been awhile... give me some time to updats all of the people

[My Own Creation]: How is everyone??

[omgOMEGA]: ?

[fear and love]: i cant get the raping off my lolli



[fear and love]: 0ooooo i m stupid dont worry iv got it off now

[omgOMEGA]: So now it isn't being raped? Well that's good.

[fear and love]: i mean as in the packaging

[Deus_Casus]: loli raping, sounds like the work of pedobear...

[sita14]: What's going on?

[omgOMEGA]: oh, the wrapping?

[sita14]: ummm...Yeah...

[omgOMEGA]: I see... ☺▲☺

[My Own Creation]: I saw "raping" and "lolli" in the same sentence and that was enough to make me laugh

[~Crimson Angel~]: [♥I LOVE AARON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥]

[Deus_Casus]: so aaron is a pedo and you're a loli?

[~Crimson Angel~]: no,Aaron is my boyfriend.

[Deus_Casus]: or vise versa?

[Deus_Casus]: oh

[Deus_Casus]: why would you put something so random here, of all places?!

[~Crimson Angel~]: I don't know,I LOVE THE RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Deus_Casus]: a quick cover up...

[sita14]: lol :P


[sita14]: YAY!!!!! :P

[~Crimson Angel~]: I like to fall asleep listing to the rain.

[sita14]: I do too. It makes sleeping easy.

[fear and love]: it makes me hyper

[sita14]: It can do that too if I' not in bed.

[fear and love]: lol nope all the time with me

[sita14]: That's cool. I LOVE dancing in it. My parents have to yell at me to make me come in...

[omgOMEGA]: My parents just sit inside and laugh at me. But wet rules. I think it's coz I'm a cancer.

[~Crimson Angel~]: I love the water,it's so relaxing.

[omgOMEGA]: Yaaah... when I have my own place I'm gonna buy one of those mini waterfalls...

[sita14]: That would be cool.

[omgOMEGA]: Yeeeah... duuude...

[My Own Creation]: It just rained here; I'm happy.

[Blaithin]: It's snowing here. Time to switch gears with the season and hit snow loving phase hehe



[sita14]: It rained here last night and only sprinkled throughout today.

[My Own Creation]: I'm sorry [omgOMEGA] that it didn't rain

[omgOMEGA]: Thank you, at least someone cares! XD

[~Crimson Angel~]: I care,i'm sorry too.


[omgOMEGA]: Damn you raining people!!!

[no roses lay there*my casket is bare]: aww:( im sorry, u want me to send u some over? i can do some kinda dance for ya...XP

[My Own Creation]: *does Indian rain dance and chants like Indians do* who-a yuh yuh yuh yuh who-a yuh yuh yuh!

[My Own Creation]: Haha I'm a weirdo

[~Crimson Angel~]: I resent that I am indian,so don't chant like that.

[My Own Creation]: Okay, sorry

[~Crimson Angel~]: I want chicken I want liver meow mix meow mix please deliver.

[My Own Creation]: meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

[no roses lay there*my casket is bare]: lmao XD see! meow is THE best word in the world! if you have any better words...i want to know

[omgOMEGA]: purrrrr

[~Crimson Angel~]: purrrrrr-fect.

[omgOMEGA]: purrrrrrr-mit

[no roses lay there*my casket is bare]: im also fond of floofy and shibby *nods*

[sita14]: Snow stopped and it's raining again.

[My Own Creation]: Yay! It's raining over here!

[no roses lay there*my casket is bare]: yayy! it snowed on and off like 50000 times today! but sadly non of it settled :( but YAYY! its been raining constantly :)

[phaerie]: i don't like snow

[omgOMEGA]: BUT IT WAS RAINING!!! And it isn't heere...

[phaerie]: snow is cold and not wet so it must be bad

[omgOMEGA]: it IS wet!!

[sita14]: *sighs* It's snowing again...*sniffle* I miss the rain...

[omgOMEGA]: Awww... *strokes*

[no roses lay there*my casket is bare]: :O!! its neither snowing or raining! but the road is wet and there are puddles and the sun seems to have im kinda happy

[sita14]: *purrs*

[sita14]: lol :)

[omgOMEGA]: i like rain...

[sita14]: I do too :P

[omgOMEGA]: YEY!

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